Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What They Can Do....

If you set a standard, kids will reach for it.  The special ed. class at Salinas High is proof of that.  Ten to eleven kids with  varying abilities have been coming up to the Buckeye weekly for 6-weeks.  The first day they showed up it was a little bit like herding cats - the kids were distracted and nervous.  Yesterday, as we practiced for their demo day next week (last session), they simply amazed me.  They were all involved and active in the process.  In the 6-weeks they have been coming to the barn they have learned to put a halter on a horse, to lead a horse through various obstacles, groom a horse, and perform simple moves on the vaulting barrel.  This includes the students in wheelchairs.  The highlight for all of the kids yesterday was feeding lunches to the horses in the barn.  The students who help read the feed board and prepared the lunches.  They took turns handing out the food.  Next week is their last week (until we find more funding) and the students will be putting on a demonstration of what they have learned.  The Principal of Salinas High will be there, as well as Cowboy TV (the school's online news show!).  It's time for these kids to shine!

Misti is leaving today......I'm proud and a little bit sad.  Misti is a young lady who came to us through the vocational program we set up with Peacock Acres.  Peacock Acres provides supportive housing, intense case management, and life coaching for youth that have been separated from their families.  Misti came to us through our vocational program we set up with Peacock Acres.  She worked hard to learn how to handle the horses and how to manage a barn.  She cleaned stalls, groomed, cleaned water troughs, turned horses out, cleaned stalls, assisted with lessons and cleaned. stalls.  I emphasize the cleaning stalls thing because it's not something I usually ask the kids to do.  I want them to have as much horse handling time as possible.  But I needed to see if Misti could handle the whole package - and she did.  And she did it with a great attitude.  She took the initiative to find an internship position with a breeding farm in Idaho.  We are going to miss her and wish her the best of luck!

I love my job.  God Bless!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

More Than a Pony Ride.....

That's what our tag line is, "More than a pony ride".  At Hope, Horses & Kids, we have always had the philosophy  that our clients can do anything, we don't limit them.  It doesn't matter what their challenge is, we still ask them to try.  It's all about life skills and learning to be able to get along in the world.  What that means is we encourage the kids to help us get the horses ready to ride by grooming them and assisting with tacking and un-tacking.  When we  host EFMP (Exceptional Family Members Program) we have 10-15 kids and their parents at the barn.  Today, we saddled up Ping Pong and Rojan and had Toby in the arena for grooming and leading.  In all the hustle and bustle I forgot our purpose - to get the kids involved in the process!  Connie reminded me, so I reminded the kids and parents.   So, today, we had EVERYONE lead Toby through the obstacle course and everyone rode.  The kids also participated in un-tacking the horses.  That process makes for a much more fulfilling visit for everybody.  We had a wonderful session  today.

We also had a young man from College Living Experience out this afternoon.  CLE is an organization that  provides assistance to college students with autism, Asperger's, learning disabilities, and other special needs to become independent adults.  Evan comes out on Saturdays and assists with lessons and is learning how to do the barn chores.  He's learning life skills such as time management, following directions, effective communication and more.  It's so much fun to watch him learn and grow.  Thank you, Sarah, for the opportunity!

Next week is going to be busy!  I'll keep you all posted!

God Bless.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Where did Monday and Tuesday go?

My intention with this blog was to share something every day.  What is it they say about good intentions?  Hmmm....It's that balance thing - God, family, horses, office work....so much to do!  Monday and Tuesday were actually pretty quiet.  Today was super busy.  Katy Peterson and I started the morning working with Hazel.  Now that she is up to weight and feeling better we are starting to access her training.  It seems that she's been ridden, maybe not with the most sensitive feel, but she HAS been ridden.  The first day I put her next to the mounting block, she got quite defensive when I leaned over her back.  So we went back to square one and worked through that.  Today, Katy was able to snug her up to the fence and after a little work to get her comfortable,  was able to hop on!  Hazel was a start.  She's starting to lose the worried look and now is seeking for the right answer.  It's really fun; what a sweet mare she is.   Will be sharing before and after photos soon.

Hope Services spent a couple of hours with us grooming Rojan, Duncan and Hazel.  They also helped clean all of the paddocks and stalls!  What a fun group of people.  I wish my mom were here to spend these days with us - she would enjoy this group.

We ended the day with Mackenzie and Brittney from CSUMB.  Mackenzie wowed us with her vaulting skills and Duncan was a star!  Once we get his trot leveled out he is going to be a fun little horse for the kids to learn on. 

It's been a long day.  But very productive and enjoyable.  Thursday will bring it's own adventures.  More later!

God Bless.

Friday, October 4, 2013

It Really Is Friday, already.....

Boy, where did the week go?  Another busy week gone by.....following are the pictures of Salinas High Students on the vaulting barrel.   This is one of those activities that the kids LOVE.  It takes balance, coordination and for some of them, trust.  They need to trust that their helpers will keep them safe.  This is the step before getting on the horses.....

Katlyn - always with a smile!

Rosalee and Bekah!
Caroline testing her balance

 This group has 2 more visits this month, October 14 and October 21.  On the last visit we will be showing Salinas High School Principal, Judith Peterson, what the kids have learned.  I look back on where they started and it's amazing what they have learned - how to halter a horse, how to lead a horse and how to groom a horse.  They also know about 5 body parts on the horse!  Very cool. 

On Tuesday we hosted another Special Ed class from North Salinas High School.  This group of students had a wonderful time being outside with the horses.  They had the opportunity to groom and lead the horses.  We hope to see the North High kids again!

Wednesday was pretty quiet - we had a visit from a new volunteer and her mom.  It's always fun to introduce the program and our horses to new people!  We look forward to having Mikaela help us with the Hope Services group on Wednesdays!

Thursdays have become one of my favorite days!  Yesterday Mackenzie from CSUMB came out and helped with the Hope Services group.  We groomed Rojan and three of the clients were able to ride Ping Pong!  Thank you Mackenzie and Hetty for all of your help!  Misti and LaDawna from Peacock Acres came out and assisted with chores and played with Miss Hazel.  After the dust cleared and the Hope group was loaded up Mackenzie hopped on Rojan!  After dealing with the killer turkeys in the "scary corner" they got some nice work done!  Rojan is a wonderful ride, but has gotten a bit out of shape!  He really enjoyed having Mackenzie give him a workout!  Our program horses have to hold it together and fill in a tremendous amount when they work with our clients.  They have to be very careful with their feet when following a wheelchair, they can't spook when someone accidently bumps into them.  They work hard.  So it's always nice when they can have a ride with an experienced rider.  It's a nice break for them.  Thank you, Mackenzie!

And.....today is Friday.  Have a GREAT WEEKEND!  We are heading up to Woodside tomorrow with our fledgling vaulting team for a barrel clinic!  Update Saturday night!  God Bless.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Where Did Monday Go?

It's already Tuesday morning!  Good grief, time goes by so quickly!  Yesterday was a busy day at The Buckeye!  Salinas High brought 11 students out and they sat on the vaulting barrel, groomed horses and attempted the "scary" obstacle course in the arena.  I'll post some pictures of the vaulting barrel.  This seems like an easy activity, but for most of the kids just getting on the barrel is a big accomplishment.  Several of them performed the flag AND stood up!  It was amazing to see the look on their faces.  Priceless!  I'll post pictures this week.   After the barrel work, a few of the students attempted the obstacle course in the arena.  We put up our obstacle with the pool noodles and the kids led Hazel through that and 4 or 5 other obstacles.  Moving the course work into the arena (from the parking lot) adds a whole new dimension to the work.  The kids now have to deal with deep sand, a much larger area and new distractions.  As usual, they all nailed it!  It occurred to me after the session that it's really all about self confidence.  Every task we give the students builds their self-confidence, not matter how small that task may seem to you and I.  They are truly amazing.  The staff that accompany this group are extremely dedicated and are so much fun to work with.  I visited the school after our session and shared the successes with Mrs. Peterson, the Principal.  She will be coming out for a demonstration (by the kids) on October 21.  So excited to have her see the kids in action!  Might be a good time for a press release!  And thanks to Hetty and Melinda for their help!

The end of the day brought great news - Hope, Horses & Kids is now an official Community Partner with the Service Learning Institute at CSUMB!  This will open up many opportunities to work with some dynamic college kids - can't wait!  As this develops I will keep you posted!  Here is a picture of Emily and Emily, of the CSUMB Equestrian Team, with our lovely Miss Hazel:

Have a Blessed day! 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

......And then, on Thursday.....

John says he has an idea....John tells me we need to help more people. We should start a veterans program for those returning home.  They need help.  I said, yes, great idea!  I was also thinking about a senior program.  John says, no, the veterans need it more.

John has CP and is in a wheelchair.  And HE is telling me we need to help more people.

                                                     John is an inspiration. 
Busy Wednesday!!!!

Wednesdays are busy at The Buckeye!

We started the day out with a visit from Cassandra Winner's Special Ed class from North Salinas High School - what a FUN group of kids!  We began the session discussing the rules (walking feet, quiet voices) and learning how to buckle a halter.  After a quick barn tour (small barn!) we practiced putting the halter on Duncan.  ALL of the kids were able to put the halter on and buckle it!  Some of these students had never seen a horse......very cool!  On to the next activity - grooming!

This is Rojan's FAVORITE activity!  This horse is truly a gentle giant - he loves his job!  He's such a good boy.  Once the grooming was completed it was on to Being a Leader:
Remember - this was the first time most of the kids had even SEEN a horse!  They all did a fantastic job. 

There are always individual success stories within these groups.  Yesterday was no exception.  One of the students was extremely fearful at the start of the session.  By the time we started the leading lesson, this young lady led Rojan THREE times around the course!  One young lady who, according to the teacher, is normally non-participatory was the first to groom and lead.  The horses do amazing things - I'm so fortunate to have such great team members!

Our afternoon vaulting session was incredible thanks to our newest coach.  Mackenzie comes to us from CSUMB and is a Silver level vaulter!  A dream come true!  The kids were so excited to have somebody besides ME coaching them.  We worked on the barrel and Mackenzie taught them some freestyle moves:

Natalie perfecting the Happy Star!  Isn't she precious?
Isabelle doing The Candle

Another Happy Star, William!

And that's it from The Buckeye Ranch!  God Bless!